Introducing the AV controller

Autnomous Vehicle controller

Welcome to the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) controller, where I had used a PID controller for longitudinal control, and the famous Stanley controller for the lateral control. All this was done with the help of CARLA and it is written in Python.

The demo took place on the racetrack map given on the CARLA simulator.

I hope you enjoy the demo!

Inspiration and lessons learned from the AV controller

This project was to be done for a course on Introduction to Self Driving Cars, offered by the University of Toronto and instructed by Professor Steven Waslander. It was a splendid experience in doing this project as I had now understood the workings of my most favourite type of automibiles in the current market - Autnomous Cars.

The AV controller also allowed me to understand about the various controllers and the working principles of the PID and Stanley controllers, which are widely used in self driving cars.

I also found out that I would get some experience in CARLA - a simulator developed by a team with members from the Computer Vision Center at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Intel and the Toyota Research Institute and built using the Unreal game engine. It features highly detailed virtual worlds with roadways, buildings, weather, and vehicle and pedestrian agents.


A huge thank you to the University of Toronto, especially Professor Steven Waslander, who made me fall in love with autonomous cars and systems.

I also would like to thank the Coursera team in making the course available for free to University students!