Introducing the Web AR ruler

AR application on a web app

Welcome to the Augmented Reality (AR) Ruler that I had made, similar to the one on iOS and Android devices, using WebAR and AR.js

The ruler uses 2 markers A and B to act as the 2 points from which the required distance can be measured, relative to point A. The Augmented reality points would then pop on the screen and show the distance measured on the point, present on marker B.

The project can be launched by the user using their PC on a python server and use the applicaition on a local host port 8000 on their web browser of choices .

I hope you enjoy the demo!

Inspiration behind the project

This project was a small project I wanted to work on when I was on my Spring 2020 Coop in Oman. I had used my free time to learn about the WebAR application and figured out how to make a ruler that I could use for alligning my posters on my bedroom wall.


A huge thank you to the UWVR club and Daekun Kim who helped me develop this project from scratch. Thank you for your support and help!