
AI that solves crosswords

Welcome to the Crossword,ai, an Artificial Intelligence system that generates a crossword puzzle, and also solves it, given a structure and dictionary of words.

Given the structure of a crossword puzzle (i.e., which squares of the grid are meant to be filled in with a letter), and a list of words to use, the problem becomes one of choosing which words should go in each vertical or horizontal sequence of squares. We can model this sort of problem as a constraint satisfaction problem. Each sequence of squares is one variable, for which we need to decide on its value (which word in the domain of possible words will fill in that sequence).

It then feeds the model into openCV where it uses my laptop's webcam (or any camera attached to the main program for that matter) to detect whether a person is wearing a mask or not in real time!

I hope you enjoy the demo!

Inspiration behind

This project was mainly done out of interest and curiosity as I had seen many videos on the topic of making an AI to solve a crossword puzzle. This project was also a requirement to be done for the CS50 course I was doing for Artificial Intelligence, offered by Harvard University.


A huge thank you to Harvard University, the CS50 staff, Professor David J Malan and Mr. Brian Yu for helping me understand AI and guiding me throughout this project!
